Oak Island

As one of North Carolina’s only barrier islands that face directly south, beachgoers can enjoy magnificent views of both sunrise and sunset over the ocean, all from the same stretch of sand.

Welcome to the Town of Oak Island!  Situated on the southern end of North Carolina’s picturesque coastline, the Town of Oak Island encompasses nearly 20 square miles; offering 10 miles of beachfront, along the 12 mile-long island from which the Town derives its name.  The island itself is marked by the Atlantic Ocean to the south, and the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) to the north.

Experiencing these awe-inspiring views are no challenge either; with well over 100 free public accesses to the beach and the ICW, Oak Island offers more accessibility to our greatest natural resource than any other coastal Town in the state.  

About the Neighborhood

There are community events
Neighbors are friendly
There's holiday spirit
Great schools
Great for retirees
It's walkable to grocery stores
It's walkable to restaurant
There are sidewalks
Parks and playgrounds
Lots of wildlife
It's dog friendly
Beach life
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